Simple stealth mechanics add to this feeling. Even though the scene proceeds the same way no matter what, the illusion of flexibility, at least, makes Cold War's campaign dynamic and exciting-it often feels like you're just barely getting away with whatever hijinks you're trying to pull. You'll screw up the assassination regardless, but the first time I did it, I was too slow and didn't even get a shot off before he began to escape the second time, I did it "correctly" and shot at him, but the shot ended up hitting someone else and the target began to escape anyway. For example, an early mission tasks you with assassinating a target before he boards a plane and gets away. Most levels give you multiple options in terms of your approach to combat, too, and some even account for blunders on your part. While most decisions don't materially affect the overall story, I had fun playing around with them and going back to previous levels to try the more chaotic options, like throwing an enemy spy off a building instead of capturing him. You're also given plenty of choice throughout the campaign, including optional side missions, whether to kill or capture particular antagonists, and various dialogue options that range from lawful good to cheeky to loose cannon.

That's partially thanks to good comedic timing in the dialogue, which helps prevent most scenes from coming across as too self-serious.

It largely works with the inherent over-the-top nature of a Black Ops story, and although some bits can be kind of goofy, it's both easy and fun to buy into the spy drama and massive gunfights in equal measure. From the '80s-themed montage that opens the campaign to a Vietnam flashback set to Steppenwolf-along with plenty of explosions, helicopter crashes, and slo-mo shootouts-Cold War's campaign is as action-movie as you'd expect. Like any Call of Duty campaign, Cold War is theatrical. Now Playing: Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Video Review Campaign By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's