Reviewed by MissSimonetta 4 / 10 Boring and overblown housecleaning in the wake of Endgame This is one of the worst superhero movies I have seen. For some reason, movies nowadays must be ravaged with lame attempts at jokes.

Gone are the days of movies with substance, characters you can actually relate to or have sympathy for, realistic special effects, and comedy that flows naturally. Movie would be much better if the acting was decent. Harrington, embarrassing Ned, and idiotic Flash were horrendous - absolutely painful to watch. Most of the characters including the out-of-breath Parker, geeky dumb Mr. As another reviewer puts it, not a single dialogue can pass without someone trying to crack a joke. Amidst the crazy action mess is the cliche teenage crush storyline of Peter Parker and MJ, and the excruciating lame attempts at comedy. However, the excessive use of CGI effects and high-tech scenes take away any hints of realism in the story and make the events of the film seem like they take place in a computer world. This movie is quick-paced and there's nothing short of pure action-packed scenes. In this one, after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Peter Parker and his friends go on a European trip, but their fun is disrupted from attacks from a new menace called Elementals. I didn't have high hopes for this movie, as much of the Marvel superhero films suffer from lame comedy and overly used CGI effects, and the previous Spider-Man movie was sub-par at best.

Reviewed by OllieSuave-007 2 / 10 Holland Spider-Man: Stay faraway as possible.